Image sizes for pages and components

Great imagery is an important kind of content. Use this guide to help you follow best practices for image sizes.

Each site has custom image sizes for unique pages and components, but shared multisite components share requirements.


screenshot of a directory (grid view)

Example of profile photos in a directory

Profile image (304 x 376)

A profile-sized images (304 x 376 px) is required for:

screenshot of a directory (grid view)

Example of profile photos in a directory

screenshot of a link cards component

Example of a link cards component with images

Link card images (608 x 424 px) are optional, but recommended, for:

screenshot of a link cards component

Example of a link cards component with images

screenshot of an image component

Example of an image component

Post image (880 x 608)

A post image (880 x 608 px) is required for:

A post image is optional for:

screenshot of an image component

Example of an image component

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