Adding site users and setting roles and permissions


By default, WordPress roles give site administrators the ability to control what users can and cannot do (permissions) within the site. A site administrator can manage access to such tasks as writing and editing content, creating pages, editing site settings, and managing other users, by assigning a specific role to each user.

The FAA multisite system is customized slightly from default WordPress roles.


Roles and permissions

The permissions of each role in the FAA multisite back-end.

Super Admin Access to all features of all sites, including all administrative settings.
Administrator Access all content on a single site and some site settings.
Editor Publish and manage all content on a single site, including the pages/posts of other users. Can edit site menus/navigation.
Author Publish and manage their own pages/posts.
Contributor Write and manage their own pages/posts, but cannot publish.

Adding a new role

Super Admins and Administrators can create new roles by going to the Users section in the Dashboard and selecting Add New.

Assigning an author to a page or post

Super Admins and Administrators can assign an author to a new page or post by choosing a username from the Author dropdown menu.

Super Admins and Administrators can assign an author to a published page or post by choosing Quick Edit from the published page and/or post list and choosing a username from the Author dropdown menu.

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