Creating and editing post types

A post type is templated content that can be published once but displayed (in various forms) in multiple places.

Post types in the multisite

The post types available in the FAA multisite are:

  • News
  • Event
  • Faculty or staff profile
  • Work
  • Student feature
  • Alumni feature

Creating and editing post types

Creating a post type

To create a new profile, event, news story, student feature, alumni feature, or work post, hover over the post type you want to create in the Dashboard menu and select Add new.

Editing an existing post type

To edit an existing published or draft profile, event, news story, student feature, alumni feature, or work post, hover over the post type you want to edit in the Dashboard menu and select the post type name in the menu that appears (typically the topmost option).

For example, if you wanted to edit an existing news post, hover over News in the Dashboard menu and select News in the pop-up menu. 

You will see a listing of all the published and drafted posts of that type. Find the one you want to edit, hover over the title, and choose Edit.

Once you have made your changes to the post, select Update in the Publish menu to save them.

Purposes of post types


News posts share timely updates with your site audience. A featured image (with alt text) and a brief text summary are required. 

You build the news story itself with text, image, and/or video components.

News stories can also include related links. Related links can be internal (to another page on your site), like the faculty profile of someone mentioned in the story, or external (to a page on a different website), like a link to the original story source.


An event post shares information about an upcoming event your audience may be interested in. 

An event title and date and time information are required.

To create an all-day event (without start and end times), toggle All day event to Yes.

To create a repeating event, toggle Repeating to Yes. 

Events can repeat on:

  • Day(s) of the week (e.g. every Wednesday, or every Monday and Friday) 
  • Day of the month (e.g. if the event date is September 15, it will repeat on October 15)
  • Day of the year (e.g. an annual event like an anniversary)
  • A custom basis (you set the specific dates and times)

Event locations can be physical, virtual, or both. To add a location, select Add location and choose Physical Location or Virtual Location.

Add event descriptions and any additional information for your site audience using  text, image, and/or video components.

Faculty or staff profile

A faculty and/or staff profile shares functional information like a person’s name, title, and contact information. Faculty profiles can also highlight information like educational history, biography, a CV, research, published work, and courses taught. Staff profiles can include information like job duties or personal interests.

When you add a new profile, choose whether the Profile Type is Staff or Faculty. Within the form that loads, you’ll see a tab for General and one for either Faculty or Staff, depending on which kind of profile you’re creating. 

The additional staff profile information, and many of the fields in the faculty profile, are created using text, image, and/or video components.

For tips and basic steps to edit an existing faculty profile, you can watch this video created for Art & Design faculty. The same basic process can be used by all FAA units.


A work post highlights projects, research, and/or creative work. It requires creator name(s), a featured image (and alt text), a brief summary or quote, and at least one additional image.

You can include more detail and context to work posts as needed. 

  • Add a text description for information like the background behind the work, an artist’s statement, or more information about the process
  • Upload more images to create a slideshow 
  • Add related links, which can be internal (to another page on your site), like a student feature of a creator, or external (to a page on a different website), like a link to an outside collaborator’s website


Student feature

A student feature highlights a current student. 

A student feature includes some standard information, like the student’s name, the degree they’re pursuing, and a photo of them. 

Otherwise, the format is flexible, and you can use text, image, and/or video components to build it. 


Alumni feature

An alumni feature highlights an alum of your department or school, focusing on the job or position they hold now. 

An alumni feature includes some standard information, like the alum’s name, the degree they received, their current job title and location, and an image of the person.

Otherwise, the format is flexible, and you can use text, image, and/or video components to build it. 


Adding tags to your post type

Learn how to use tags here.

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