Creating and editing a basic page

Basic pages make up the majority of most website content. They don’t use a template, and are built using components.

When to make a basic page

A basic page is a great fit for most informational content. Most of your program pages and admissions page will be basic pages, as well as content about your unit.

Before creating a new basic page, consider the pages already on your website. 

  • Do pages about this topic already exist on the site? (Would it be easier for site visitors to find your new content if it were a section on an existing page, rather than a new one?) 
  • Is a basic page the best format for your content? (Would it fit better as a news story, event, student or alumni feature, or work post, for example?)
Access your published pages and drafts and create a new page on your site. (Watch in full-screen for the best view!)

Creating a basic page

To create a new basic page:

  1. Hover over Pages in the Dashboard menu and then select Add New. A template for a new basic page will load.
  2. Give your page a title.
  3. Under Page Attributes, choose a parent for this page to determine where it appears in the site navigation hierarchy. 
  4. Under Introduction, write introductory text for the page, if desired.
  5. Add components to display your content.
  6. Under Publish, select Publish.

Editing an existing basic page

To edit an existing basic page:

  1. Hover over Pages in the Dashboard menu and select All Pages. You will see a list of all basic pages, landing pages, and listing pages on your website.
  2. Find the page you want to edit. You can do this by searching for the page title or scrolling through the list.
  3. Hover over the name of the page and select Edit.
  4. Make the changes.
  5. Click Update to save your changes.

Copy or delete a basic page

To duplicate a basic page, click Duplicate.

To delete a basic page, click Move to Trash.

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