Gravity form
Gravity form
The Gravity form component embeds an existing Gravity (WordPress) form into your page.
First, create a new form in the Forms section of your multisite Dashboard.
Once you’ve added a Gravity form component to your page, enter:
- The published form you’d like to embed (choose from the dropdown menu).
- A brief text heading for the form.
- An optional description for site visitors that will appear with the form.
The giving form component creates a form on your page that site visitors can use to donate to funds associated with the University of Illinois Foundation.
Once you’ve added a giving component to your page, enter:
- A brief header for the form.
- A header is required for accessibility purposes, but you can choose for it to be hidden from view.
- The fund(s) that site visitors can choose to donate to.
- For each fund, enter:
- The name of the fund.
- An optional description summarizing the value and purpose of the fund. It can be useful to mention what areas are of greatest need, so site visitors can prioritize.
- The fund ID. Contact the University of Illinois Foundation for the fund ID. This ID is what routes donations correctly.
- The button text that will appear at the bottom of the form, e.g. “Continue.” When a site visitor clicks this button, they’ll be taken to a page on the University of Illinois Foundation site to complete their donation.